SatMENA meets the requirements of the small, medium and large enterprises as well as banks and financial institutions throughout the area of Oman by interconnecting two or more branches together or to a central Head Quarters location. The solution allows the customer to dedicate a fixed bandwidth for each branch or to share the total leased capacity among all branches, allowing a better utilization of the bandwidth and making use of extra capacity when a certain branch does not need it. The interconnection is using VSAT Terminals deployed at each location, with encrypted VPN links among the branches.
One of the main uses of this type of links is to reach areas where no terrestrial connectivity is available, or where the available terrestrial connectivity does not meet the requirements of the enterprise or institution.
Another use is the redundancy. For enterprises with a mission critical operation, that cannot not afford to have the link between branches down, a VSAT link through SatMENA acts as a backup to existing terrestrial links, ensuring 100% connectivity and up-time.
For additional information regarding the service and solution, please reach out to our sales team at