SatMENA’s satellite links are encrypted using AES 256 standard, which is the highest security standard adopted by major security forces all around the world. Along with its reach to any location in Oman, whether this is in cities, villages, deserts, top of mountains, borders or at the sea, including the Musandam area, SatMENA is the perfect partner to provide the police, law enforcement bodies and armed forces with fixed and on the move connectivity services to interconnect all their branches and ensure a smooth and reliable command and control system. Army headquarters can be in communication with any troops operating at any of Oman’s terrestrial or maritime borders 24/7. This link can act as the main link for such communication, or as a back up link in case of any outage on existing terrestrial links. The ability to have encrypted VPN links over SatMENA’s links ensures that all the data is double encrypted, safe and secure to be transported.
For additional information regarding the service and solution, please reach out to our sales team at